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March 13, 2023
By Dani Sher

Broiler chickens: Who are they and how long do they live?

Modern-day chickens raised for meat, called “broilers,” are a far cry from chickens just a few decades ago. They consume less food, grow more quickly, and reach a much larger size. As a result of all the ingenuity and invention that has gone into their genetics, chickens suffer immensely during their short lives, and today’s massive scale of chicken production wreaks havoc on the environment.

March 7, 2023
By Andrew deCoriolis

We could be on the brink of the next pandemic

Bird flu is making global headlines. As an H5N1 outbreak ravages the U.S. poultry industry and egg prices reach record highs, scientists are ringing alarm bells that the virus could soon enter a new, more dangerous phase of its evolution.

February 23, 2023
By Farm Forward

Major Victory: NC Ag-gag Law Struck Down

A federal judge struck down North Carolina’s “Ag-gag” law, ruling that several of its provisions are unconstitutional and violate the First Amendment.

February 16, 2023
By Dani Sher

Farmed pigs: What are pigs used for and why is it a problem?

Although pigs are recognized as one of the most intelligent species, most pigs are housed by the thousands in crowded conditions with very little to stimulate them mentally.

January 1, 2023
By Farm Forward

Dairy is Udderly Suspect

From the Jewish Initiative for Animals’ Is This Kosher? campaign—while the dairy source of our shepherd ancestors came primarily from small-scale herds of goats and sheep, most Jews now consume the most widely available commercial products from industrial dairies.

January 1, 2023
By Farm Forward

The Discomfort of Chicken Soup

From the Jewish Initiative for Animals’ Is This Kosher? campaign—chickens have lived with Jewish communities for millennia, domesticated 4,000–10,000 years ago. Historically, however, chicken was never consumed in the quantities most people in the industrialized world eat today.

January 1, 2023
By Farm Forward

Something’s Fishy About Lox

From the Jewish Initiative for Animals’ Is This Kosher? campaign—the true cost of fishing is always higher than it appears.

January 1, 2023
By Farm Forward

Is This Kosher?

For centuries, the question of what’s “fit” for Jewish communities has guided our daily actions and reflected our religious identities and moral values.

December 5, 2022
By Trevor McCarty

Farm Forward Supports the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act

Farm Forward supports the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act of 2022. The bill would establish a new office to hold the industry accountable and would implement reforms that would benefit not only meat and poultry workers but also the billions of farmed animals killed every year in the U.S.

November 16, 2022
By Trevor McCarty

US consumers would be concerned upon learning where meat really comes from

Findings from our recent survey show what American consumers understand about the farmed-animal industry; promising insights, and some troubling beliefs.

October 18, 2022
By Dani Sher

Humanewashing by meat companies and leading retailers pushes small farmers out of business

Major corporations cash in on so-called “humane” labels like “antibiotic free”, “natural”, and “organic”, even though their corresponding husbandry practices almost never match consumers’ expectations for animal welfare.

August 23, 2022
By Andrew deCoriolis

Farm Forward Sues Whole Foods for Deceiving Consumers About Antibiotic Use in “Antibiotic Free” Meat

Whole Foods Market has claimed all of their meat products come from animals not treated with antibiotics, but our findings suggest otherwise.

May 24, 2022
By Andrew deCoriolis

Censored: Ad Exposing Whole Foods’ Antibiotics Deception

Farm Forward’s public service announcement was censored in the two cities where Amazon’s annual shareholder meeting kicked off. Read why.

May 18, 2022
By Trevor McCarty

You Can Thank This Chicken Industry Trade Group for Big Poultry’s Humanewashing

The National Chicken Council’s response to New York Times enlightening video misses the mark, and on purpose, for these reasons. Learn more.

April 20, 2022
By Farm Forward

Timeline of Farm Forward’s Antibiotics Testing & Coverage

The history of Farm Forward’s efforts to reveal the truth behind Whole Foods advertising practices around animal products tells its own tale.

April 12, 2022
By Rev. John Millspaugh

Farm Forward to WHO: Reduce Pandemic Risk Now 

Farm Forward welcomed the World Health Organization (WHO) Intergovernmental Negotiating Body’s recent request for public guidance on the question, “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?” 

April 6, 2022
By Andrew deCoriolis

More drugs found in “antibiotic-free” meat certified by Global Animal Partnership

Beef certified by Global Animal Partnership (GAP), the animal welfare certification used primarily by Whole Foods Market, was found to contain antibiotic residue despite GAP’s and Whole Foods’ claims that their meat is “antibiotic-free.”

April 4, 2022
By Andrew deCoriolis

Farm Forward Finds Drugs in Certified Meat at Whole Foods 

Farm Forward has found a variety of drugs, including an antibiotic, in meat certified as having “no antibiotics, ever” taken from products purchased from Whole Foods store shelves.

March 29, 2022
By Andrew deCoriolis

Whole Foods’ “Better Chicken” Isn’t What You Think

GAP’s “better chicken” is better for business, but consumers, public health, the environment, and, of course, the chickens themselves are not necessarily better off when factory farmed products are viewed more favorably.

January 22, 2022
By Farm Forward

New Research Shows Shoppers Mistakenly Believe Kosher is Better for Animals

The data confirms what JIFA has inferred from previous research that shows people think kosher food is inherently better: consumers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, extend this belief to the way farmed animals are bred and raised, despite the fact virtually all kosher and non-kosher meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs come from animal raised on factory farms.

December 14, 2021
By Aaron S. Gross, PhD

Factory Farming Will be Obsolete. How Quickly Depends on Us. (Part 3)

A letter from the founder – the third in a three-part series reflecting on the public’s movement toward the will to end factory farming.

filed under

Food System Solutions
December 7, 2021
By Aaron S. Gross, PhD

Ending Factory Farming is Possible, Together (Part 2)

A letter from the founder – the second in a three-part series reflecting on the public’s movement toward the will to end factory farming.

filed under

Food System Solutions
November 29, 2021
By Aaron S. Gross, PhD

Building the Public Will to End Factory Farming

A letter from the founder – the first part in a three-part series reflecting on the public’s movement toward the will to end factory farming.

filed under

Food System Solutions
November 24, 2021
By Farm Forward

Remembering Bernie Rollin 

Bernard Rollin was one of the world’s leading animal ethicists and a fierce advocate for animal welfare.

filed under

Animal Welfare
November 9, 2021
By Ben Goldsmith

Think You Can Find a Humanely Raised Turkey at Whole Foods for Thanksgiving? Think Again.

You may be with the majority of Americans who rely too heavily on label claims by meat manufacturers but are we also duped by the certifiers?

October 10, 2021
By Dani Sher

Changing Farming

Changing farming takes working with and learning from farmers directly. Internationalizing the fight beyond US borders ensures all farmers everywhere are heard and retain the right to farm according to their values.

October 6, 2021
By Dani Sher

Giant Eagle Drops “One Health Certified” Label Amidst Humanewashing Backlash 

Grocery chain Giant Eagle has revealed its plans to phase out all “One Health Certified” (OHC) chicken from its stores.

September 7, 2021
By Rev. John Millspaugh

UN Scientists Sound Alarm: Change What is on Your Plate

United Nations scientists warn that a climate catastrophe is coming, and a leaked UN document urges a shift to plant-based proteins as a strategy to stave off the most dire scenarios.  

July 18, 2021
By Andrew deCoriolis

Comedian Myq Kaplan Takes on Humanewashing in New Video 

Myq Kaplan of Comedy Central, The Tonight Show, and Letterman fame has narrated a thought-provoking new video to combat false advertising by massive meat, egg, and dairy companies.

July 13, 2021
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Wins Right to Further Pursue Downed Pig Lawsuit Against USDA 

The U.S. District Court ruled that Farm Forward and a coalition of animal and environmental protection organizations have standing to sue the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), regarding regulations at pig slaughterhouses.  

June 30, 2021
By Andrew deCoriolis

Global Animal Partnership’s Breed Study Was Designed to Deceive

Global Animal Partnership (GAP) seems dedicated to passing off low welfare standards as the gold standard, thus helping the purveyors of factory farmed products deceive shoppers.

June 22, 2021
By Farm Forward

The University of Oxford and Farm Forward Discuss Pandemic Risk and Factory Farming 

While COVID-19 may have emerged from a wet market, the greater pandemic risk is our insatiable appetite for cheap, factory farmed meat.

April 21, 2021
By Andrew deCoriolis

Farm Forward Campaign and Ad Blitz Denounce ALDI’s Deceptive New Chicken Label

Farm Forward has kicked off a campaign and ad blitz calling out the meat industry’s latest deceptive marketing scheme, “One Health Certified” (OHC), which now adorns Batavia, Illinois-based ALDI’s store-brand chicken.

March 2, 2021
By Farm Forward

Methane Digesters are Not a Climate Solution

Oregon Senate sees the need to course correct its dairy industry, but the misconceived “methane digester” tax credit may have them heading in the wrong direction.

January 25, 2021
By Andrew deCoriolis

Coalition Blasts “One Health Certified” Meat Industry Humanewashing Scheme 

Farm Forward condemns the meat industry’s latest effort to deceive consumers through the legitimate-appearing “One Health Certified” (OHC) certification.

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