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January 21, 2021
By Farm Forward

Mega-dairy Moratorium Bills Introduced in Oregon State Legislature

Farm Forward supports the mega-dairy moratorium which would allow a pause in the permitting of new and expanding mega-dairies until meaningful protections can be enacted to protect Oregon’s air, water, climate, rural communities, small farmers and animal welfare.

December 8, 2020
By Farm Forward

Farming Into the Future 

Hello again from 2050. We want you to know that your efforts in 2020 to create a more just food system won’t be for nothing.

December 7, 2020
By Farm Forward

Repair is Possible 

We write to you from the year 2050 to let you know that humanity is thriving on a rejuvenated planet.

October 5, 2020
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Joins Coalition to File Petition Urging Limitations on Mega-Dairies’ Use of Water 

Farm Forward and a coalition of public interest groups filed a legal petition with the Oregon Water Resources Commission requesting it restrict new mega dairy’s use of groundwater in areas in eastern Oregon where special protections are needed.

October 2, 2020
By Aaron S. Gross, PhD

Why We Resigned from the Board of the Nation’s Largest Animal Welfare Certification 

In April 2020, after more than a decade of service, Farm Forward resigned, in protest, from the board of the nation’s largest legitimate animal welfare certification, Global Animal Partnership or GAP.

September 23, 2020
By Farm Forward

A Memo from the Year 2050 

Brandon Keim, a freelance journalist writing a speculative fiction piece for Anthropocene magazine about how to prevent zoonoses, asked Farm Forward how to create a future free of pandemics and factory farms. 

September 9, 2020
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Joins Diverse Group of Advocates to Endorse Farm System Reform Act 

This historic legislation has the potential to change the conversation about the future of animal agriculture in America.

July 6, 2020
By Farm Forward

Week of Action Against Tyson 

Today Farm Forward and more than 120 groups launched a week of action against Tyson Foods Inc. (NYSE: TSN) demanding the company address the rising number of COVID-19 cases affecting workers at its chicken, pork, and beef processing facilities.

June 16, 2020
By Farm Forward

Mega-Dairy Moratorium for Climate 

Today, 20 national, local and state based animal welfare, family farm, environmental, and food safety groups, submitted a letter to Governor Brown urging her to enact an immediate mega-dairy moratorium to protect Oregon’s climate, air, water, animals and family farms.

June 15, 2020
By Andrew deCoriolis

Abuse on dairy farms: Farm Forward responds to Chicago Tribune’s coverage of Fair Oaks Farms 

On June 14th, the Chicago Tribune published an opinion written by Farm Forward’s Executive Director Andrew deCoriolis in response to their coverage of an undercover investigation at Fair Oaks Farm, an industrial dairy operation in Indiana.

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Animal Welfare
June 3, 2020
By Farm Forward

We Need an Anti-Racist Animal Protection Movement 

Racism is ethically intolerable, socially debilitating, and it threatens the moral energies that are the foundation of the movement to end factory farming. 

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Food System Solutions
May 29, 2020
By Farm Forward

Reducing Our Carbon Mouthprint: Farm Forward Responds to the “New York Times” on Food and Climate 

The New York Times published an opinion written by Farm Forward’s Executive Director Andrew deCoriolis in response to the Times’ interactive article Climate Change, Answered: How to shop, cook and eat in a warming world.

May 8, 2020
By Farm Forward

Stop Sacrificing Meatpacking Workers’ Lives 

This week in response to the Trump Administration’s April 28th announcement that it would invoke the Defense Production Act to compel meatpacking companies to stay open during the pandemic, Farm Forward joined nearly 100 food, labor, and environmental allies to show broad support for frontline foodworkers.  

April 26, 2020
By Farm Forward

Mega-Dairy Biogas is not Clean, Renewable Energy 

Farm Forward joined a coalition of environmental, farming, and consumer groups in opposing a proposed permit from Threemile Canyon Farms mega-dairy.

April 23, 2020
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Calls on Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to Address Mega-Dairy Emissions 

This week the Stand Up to Factory Farms coalition, a broad coalition of family farming, environmental, food safety, and animal welfare organizations, released a letter calling on the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) to include mega-dairy emissions control in their new rule making plan.

April 16, 2020
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Urges Congress: Don’t Use Stimulus Funds to Prop Up Factory Farms 

This week Farm Forward, along with a coalition of more than 50 organizations, called on Congress to prevent corporate factory farm companies from receiving COVID-19 relief funds, and instead to direct funds to small and midsize farmers and food chain workers who have been disproportionately impacted by the crisis.  


March 28, 2020
By Joseph Tuminello, PhD

Animals, Ethics, and Climate Crisis: A Virtual Visit with David Clough

Author and professor David Clough speaks to classrooms around the world in Farm Forward’s latest Virtual Visit Session. Learn more here.

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Food System Solutions
February 12, 2020
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Demands ‘NO’ Vote on Weak CAFO Bill in Oregon 

Farm Forward opposes the proposed bill because it fails to create a rigorous enough process to evaluate the impact of proposed CAFOs or adequately protect Oregon’s land and water, its family farms, or farmed animals from the inherent harms of factory farms.

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Food System Solutions
December 9, 2019
By Farm Forward

Seattle University Joins Farm Forward’s Leadership Circle 

Joining the Leadership Circle is part of Seattle U’s broader effort to become a more sustainable university.

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Food Policy
December 4, 2019
By Farm Forward

Leaders at Climate Summit Urged to Reduce Greenhouse Pollution From Food, Agriculture 

Farm Forward joined The Center for Biological Diversity, Brighter Green and 12 other organizations to release a policy brief calling on organizers and attendees of the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change conference COP25 to take immediate action to reduce planet-warming emissions from food and agriculture.

November 21, 2019
By Farm Forward

More than 20 Groups Oppose Permit for Mega-Dairy Seeking to Replace Lost Valley Farms 

Stand Up To Factory Farms Coalition and Supporters Say the New Easterday Farms Dairy Would Repeat the Troubled History of Lost Valley 

November 4, 2019
By Andrew deCoriolis

Historic Opportunity for Climate Leaders to Lead by Example 

A shift in how we understand food’s role in climate change is taking place and we’re proud to be part of the movement that is helping the world adapt to this shift. 

October 28, 2019
By Farm Forward

Harvest Table Culinary Group Recognized by Farm Forward’s Leadership Circle 

We’re excited to welcome Harvest Table Culinary Group (HTCG) to Farm Forward’s Leadership Circle, with the most comprehensive welfare commitment of any food service management company to date.  

filed under

Food Policy
October 14, 2019
By Farm Forward

Mindful Menus: The Northwest School Serves Up Their Values 

Over the past few years, more and more institutions have made the connection: our food choices impact our health, the environment, and the lives of animals, and are interwoven into many other social justice issues.

September 17, 2019
By Farm Forward

USDA Publishes Egregious Final Hog Slaughter Inspection Rule

USDA proposed harmful inspection rules that we have a chance to stop! Learn more about the rules and how you can make a difference here.

September 12, 2019
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Condemns Reappointment of Mega-Dairy Exec to State Agriculture Board 

Today, Farm Forward along with a coalition of family farm, animal welfare, and environmental groups sent a letter to Oregon Governor Kate Brown condemning the reappointment of Marty Myers, general manager of Threemile Canyon Farms for a second four-year term on Oregon’s Board of Agriculture.

September 6, 2019
By Farm Forward

Our Fight to Strike Down Chilling North Carolina Ag-gag Law Continues 

Public Justice filed a motion for summary judgment asking the Court to enjoin North Carolina from enforcing the “Anti-Sunshine Law” and declare it unconstitutional.

August 19, 2019
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Supports Lawsuit Alleging Tillamook Dairy Intentionally Misled Consumers with “Humane Washing” 

We support the lawsuit that consumers have brought against the Tillamook County Creamery Association regarding Tillamook’s representations regarding the company’s dairy products.

July 3, 2019
By Rev. John Millspaugh

Marching for All Species

As I strolled along the park’s concrete path, I glanced over to find—gliding alongside me—an orca, a chinook salmon, monarch butterflies, and planet Earth itself.

April 12, 2019
By Farm Forward

Oregon Mega-Dairy Reform Bills Die, Threatening Repeat of Lost Valley Disaster

Farm Forward joined a coalition of nearly two dozen farming, consumer, animal welfare, and environmental groups in asking Oregon leaders to put a moratorium on large, commercial dairies.

March 27, 2019
By Andrew deCoriolis

Harvard Business School Joins Farm Forward’s Leadership Circle

Institutions are enjoying the ethical and sustainable benefits of the Leadership Circle. Learn about Harvard Business School’s efforts here.

February 28, 2019
By Farm Forward

Tips from Phipps: Leadership Circle’s Newest Member Takes a Forward-Thinking Approach to Help People and the Planet

Earlier this year, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens joined the Leadership Circle by sourcing exclusively certified higher welfare chicken and turkey for their restaurant, Café Phipps.

February 22, 2019
By Rev. John Millspaugh

Farm Forward Welcomes New Board Members!

Join us in welcoming our newest Board Members whose expertise and real world experience advise and progress our organization. Read more.

filed under

Food System Solutions
February 8, 2019
By Rev. John Millspaugh

Can our Religious Values Help Fight Climate Change?

Pope Francis was challenged by 12-year-old Genesis Butler to try eating a plant-based diet for Lent, with a promise of a million dollar donation to a charity of his choice should he say yes.

January 10, 2019
By Ben Goldsmith

Update: Farm Forward Campaign Spurs International Push to End Cruel, Previously Universal Practice

A first-of-its-kind campaign launched by Farm Forward in 2014 has resulted in the adoption of a new technology that spares day-old chicks from being slaughtered shortly after they hatch.

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